Rainbow Therapy
Rainbow work is an ancient healing practice that integrates color, energy therapy, and the creative arts, ultimately providing an opportunity to align with the body’s wisdom and the heart’s intelligence, enhancing an optimum sense of balance and renewal. In this lens, the metaphor of the soul refers to that part of the core self that holds the destiny, the potential, and one’s innate gifts or talents. Often along the way, especially in light of today’s high-tech and fast-moving lifestyle, this aspect of self can become buried, creating such symptoms as a sense of loss, distraction, restlessness, stress, resistance, anxiety, and general lack of motivation.
In the rainbow process, the three important rivers of life are the primary focus: the imagination, the body’s wisdom, and the heart center. All three must be engaged, clear, and open for optimum life and energy. The integration of this important trinity invites a dialogue with the self, creating the possibility of deeper awareness, enhanced vitality, and the unfoldment of one’s gifts and talents, contributing to a more meaningful and authentic life story.